From the Lions Den May, 2019
Lion’s Den Article, May, 2019 We welcome home our president, Allen Slade, who has been away on a motorcycle trip in Africa.
Here is the list of the Lions Executive for the coming year. President -- Allen Slade Honorary Life-time Vice President -- Alan Guy 1st. Vice President -- Brian Dearden 2nd. Vice President -- Vacant TBA Recording Secretary -- Janet Guy Secretary -- Dave Chase (LCIF, records,) Treasurer -- Mike Bullis Tail Twister -- Mike Halliday Lion Tamer -- Brian Dearden Membership Team -- Tara Walker, Nicole Ritteman, and Nigel Barrett. Directors: -- Henry Till ( Club Service /Rentals), -- Bill Warning (Equipment Supervisor), -- John Glover (Web Page), -- Fred Mussett (Marketing/writer for Lions Den in the Mayneliner), -- Peter Hansche (Director at Large). -- Bob Soper (Director at Large). Lion Bob Soper was thanked for his role in recruiting these members for their positions. On April 8th, nine members traveled in Brian Dearden’s boat to the Saturna Island Lions’ annual charter night dinner. It was fun and informative to watch another club in action, and of course, to enjoy a wonderful meal. The Saturna club includes children at its meetings so that parents are not needing to arrange for a sitter. On Wednesday April 17th, John Glover presented a very thorough program on cyber fraud and scamming at the Ag. Hall for the public. It expanded on the March 6th presentation to the Lions and many interesting questions and experiences were discussed. Thank you, John, for all your preparation and for sharing your expertise in this field! The rental requests for summer continue to come in. We advise anyone who is requiring equipment for special events to check our web page under RENTALS and to make arrangements well ahead of time to avoid being out of luck. A committee comprised of Lions Bob, Mike H, and John G. passed round a VOLUNTEER SIGN UP sheet for every event where help might be needed and asked members to sign up where their interest lies. The idea is to alleviate the scramble for help when service is needed. If you missed that VOLUNTEER opportunity, Please send an email to [email protected] with your preference(s) and the event sheets will be updated. EVERY LION is expected to volunteer for at least one event to share the load. Bob Soper and Nicole Ritteman spoke about the Membership forum that they attended last month in Parksville. Both were very enthusiastic about the experience and have come back with many ideas that were shared by clubs attending. One item that was of interest was that the number of female members of Lions is increasing proportionately. The ideas for activities they have brought back will be reviewed by our club. John Crocker spoke to us regarding the need for Food Bank services on the island. In support of the Food Bank, Lion Brian D. is challenging the community to bet against his effort to lose 20 lbs. in a month. If he makes it he will donate $500 to the Food Bank. If not the money raised will go to the Food Bank. Sounds like a win-win-win. Those who worked on the production of the local phone book were recognized and thanked for their efforts. We encourage everyone to use the enclosed envelope in each phone book for their donation and to leave the envelope at Gulfport Realty in the FREEMAIL BOX. Remaining books not distributed by mail will be sold in the Gas Station and the Trading Post. Lions Alan and Janet Guy attended the District annual conference in Port Angeles, Washington on April 12th and 13th. The event was held over 2 days, instead of the usual 3, to allow the quite large number of Canadian Lions to return to Victoria on the early Sunday morning ferry. Thus, the days were very busy, bet everything was well organised, including some very creative and unusual “Games” at the Friday Fun night. Some spring dates to note for the Lions include steak night on Wednesday May 29th with Lions guests from Saturna; the School Bike Rodeo, May 30th; and the Car Rally on June 1st. Car Rally start time will be 1:00 pm at the Lions shed in Dinner Bay Park. Entry fee, $5.00 for car and driver, $1.00 per passenger. Rally will end on Naylor Road at the flagpoles. This year, nothing to buy, less driving and for some entrants visits to places you may have never been to - really! (Watch island social media for more info after the May long weekend). As well, we remind the Lions that the celebration of life for former Lion member, Shirley Heslip, will be held at St. Mary Magdalene Church on May 18th at 11:30. David Chase; |
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