2018 Easter Egg Hunt at Dinner Bay Park
Photos by Bill Warning. These are all thumbnails - click on images to enlarge and use slide show arrows.
Every year local and visitor children enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt and the games that are supported by the Mayne Island Lions and various "Easter Bunny stand-ins". The Saturday before there is a clean-up squad of lions with shovels and pails to remove as many traces of our deer population droppings as possible.
the Mayne Island Lions provide support in several areas. We do the clean-up squad on the Saturday prior to the activities. Lion Mike is hugely involved in packaging all the goodie bags given to the children. The Lions supply the coffee equipment, the sound system, the "egg hider" (Lion Alan Guy), the staff to lay out the running track and most of the people who provide whatever support is necessary to make the events function well. All of this at no cost to the organizing committee.
This 2018 year we had a rough count of 160 children and their parents which made for a very busy Easter Sunday in the park. Thanks go out to various lions (Irene and Nigel Barrett along with Alan Guy for the games) and non-lions (John the Easter Bunny O'Brian) along with Helen O'Brian, Marion Rea, Kathy Warning and many other brave adults for providing this pleasant interlude for our young people. The photos below attest to the fun that was had by all. The first pictures are of the contest winners and that wicked Wabbit. The rest are for the fun everyone had.
the Mayne Island Lions provide support in several areas. We do the clean-up squad on the Saturday prior to the activities. Lion Mike is hugely involved in packaging all the goodie bags given to the children. The Lions supply the coffee equipment, the sound system, the "egg hider" (Lion Alan Guy), the staff to lay out the running track and most of the people who provide whatever support is necessary to make the events function well. All of this at no cost to the organizing committee.
This 2018 year we had a rough count of 160 children and their parents which made for a very busy Easter Sunday in the park. Thanks go out to various lions (Irene and Nigel Barrett along with Alan Guy for the games) and non-lions (John the Easter Bunny O'Brian) along with Helen O'Brian, Marion Rea, Kathy Warning and many other brave adults for providing this pleasant interlude for our young people. The photos below attest to the fun that was had by all. The first pictures are of the contest winners and that wicked Wabbit. The rest are for the fun everyone had.