From the Lions Den January, 2018
December saw the addition of 4 new Lions members, Sam Fiddler, Rena Chase, John Crocker and Allen Rowley. We welcome them aboard and look forward to their camaraderie in serving our community. Many hands make light work and rumour has it that we have others soon to join our ranks early in 2018. New members of men and women bring fresh ideas and approaches to how we help out on Mayne Island. The Christmas lights in the Japanese Garden were enjoyed right from the Honouring a Life evening on December 8th and the sneak preview on December 9th through to January 2nd, which is takedown day. Thanks to all the Lions for the putting up and taking down lights, and most significantly to Elspeth and Bryan, Len Epp, Ingrid Marsh, and others who spent many hours organizing and tweaking the displays. Thanks to crew who helped set up for Wayne Ming Day on December 9. The Islander of the Year award was presented to Colleen on Wayne’s birthday in front of a crowd of family and friends. Having so many out to this special event was heart-warming. The Santa Ship arrived out of the fog on December 9. Once again the hefty crew of reindeer pulled the fire truck and its valuable cargo of Santa Clause up the hill. Is this the first time a doe has been spotted amongst the bucks? Not too many folks realize this Christmas tradition has been going on for more than 50 years. Many said good-bye to Santa, went home for dinner and returned to the Ag Hall for a game of Bingo. The community response to Bingo was tremendous. The hall was filled to capacity and great credits go to our CEO (Chief Elf Organizer) Adrian Gowing and his helpful crew for this successful evening. At our December meeting, we reflected on our November Charter Night. It turns out that 54 Lions and 54 community members attended to make it a very nice balance. Members were asked to provide feedback as to how we might even make the event more successful next year. This article was submitted before the Single Seniors Dinner on December 13th. Let’s assume it once again provided an enjoyable and festive dinner out for our older community members! A special thanks goes to Brian and Colleen Dearden for cooking the turkey dinner! Toby Snelgrove reported that the 2018 Mayne Island phone book is getting close to the printing stage. One significant change this year is the inclusion of donation envelopes inside each phone book to help reduce the costs of production and delivery and also to provide additional funding for the local Lions’ projects! Mark February 16th on your calendars for the combined Mayne Island Lions and the Mayne Island School PAC fundraiser - a Crock Pot Cook-off. Look for the add elsewhere in the Mayneliner for details. These cook-offs have been a lot of fun in the past, and this one promises to bring lots of enjoyment to a dark February 6th evening! David Chase NOTE: The digital "Lion Magazine" is now available. January 2018 can be found at:{"issue_id":"462736","view":"contentsBrowser"} |
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