From the Lions Den November, 2017
Welcome to our new District Governor:
On October 4th, the Mayne Island Lions Club welcomed District Governor, Joyce Boyle - and her husband and soon to be Lion, Everett, to their monthly meeting at the Ag Hall. District Governor Joyce is originally from Quebec, but moved to B.C. a few years ago. She brings many, many, years of experience as a Lion to her present position. She brought the club greetings from our new International President, from Lions Club International, and from our Multiple District. She praised the members for their good works in the community, and encouraged us to invite more Islanders to join so that we may be able to increase and expand our service. We are actively pursuing this goal. She presented a 15-year service Chevron to Richard Jarco, and 10-year Chevrons to Dave Chase and Alan Guy. DG Joyce and Everett were wonderfully accommodated by Richard and Julie Jarco at Fernhill B. and B. and the following morning, in less than ideal weather, there was time to show them some of the island highlights, which they enjoyed. Charter Night Dinner Dance: Preparations are underway for the Lions and Community Charter Night Dinner Dance, to take place Saturday, November 18th at Mayne Island School from 6.00 pm onwards. This event is open to all Islanders, and even house guests, if you happen to have visitors that weekend. Tickets are $30.00 each and are available at Home Hardware. We hope to have the Community bus available that evening, to bring and / or take guests home. At this event, which the Lions really enjoy hosting, there will be opportunities for us to publicly thank the many, many Islanders who help us carry out our projects and events. Also, the winner of the 2017 Mayne Islander of the Year award will be announced. Lions members will be assigned their particular duties for the evening, at the next club meeting. December 9th – A very busy Lions day: This is advance notice of a very busy December for the Lions: December 9th is Santa Ship day. Arrival at Miners Bay dock will be around 2.30 pm, weather and tides permitting. Santa will be transported to the Ag Hall in a fire truck, pulled, up the hill, by several, (and the more the merrier, and easier,) stand-in reindeer. If you have never seen this display of animal strength let loose on Fernhill Road, it is well worth coming down there. Santa will play host at the Hall to children from here and many places elsewhere until about 4. 30 pm, when he heads off to Galiano and then Saltspring Islands. Once he is gone, Lions will transform the Hall ready for the Christmas Turkey Bingo the same evening; doors open at 7.00 pm and play begins at 7.30. Please come as early as you can: the past 2 Christmas Bingos have been sold out, and we hate to turn people away. Celebration of Life for Lion Wayne Ming: That same day will also see a Celebration of Life for Lion Wayne Ming, from Noon onwards at the Adachi Pavilion in Dinner Bay Park. Christmas Lights at the Japanese Garden: That afternoon, later on, will be the “test run” of the lights at the Japanese Garden. Christmas Dinner for single seniors: This is a very favorite event for our Lions Club. Wednesday, Dec.13, will see the Lions hosting the Christmas Dinner for single seniors, to be held at the Ag Hall. More details on this event in the December Mayneliner. David Chase |