Mayne Island Directory

Published Annually by the Mayne Island Lions
​The Directory includes white pages and/or email listings, community organizational contacts and business information.
Listed residents can pick up a free copy at a specified location on the island every year in March, just after publication. If you are not listed, the directory is also available for $10.00. Locations to be announced at the time.
Business listings are available here:
White Page Resident Listings
​Please use the form below to submit a new white pages resident listing, or to modify an existing one. Please do so no later than December 1st to ensure inclusion in the next year's phone book. Your free white page listing will include your name, address and two telephone numbers on one line. These numbers may include:
Land lines
Mobile phones
Fax numbers
Optionally, you may request a second line to include a third telephone number ($15 charge)
Your free listing also includes an entry in the email addresses listing as well as a website listing.